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City of Newport Beach RFP for Street Improvement

Project Title: Mission Bay Drive Street Improvements

Invitation: #7889-3

Bid Due Date: 07/29/2021 10:00 AM (PDT)

License Requirements: Contractor’s License “A” Required

Liquidated Damages: $1,000 per day

Estimated Bid Value: $300,000.00

Project Duration: 60 consecutive working days

Pre-Bid Meeting: NO

Scope of Services: The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of removing and replacing 12 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter, removing and replacing in full depth street asphalt within work limits; removing 2” of existing street asphalt by grinding and replacing with Conventional Asphalt Concrete; removing and replacing asphalt concrete; removing and recompacting sub grade to 90% relative density; removing and replacing all street markers, striping, and painting, adjusting existing manhole rings, frames, and covers to finished grade, and re-establishing survey monuments.

Contact Info: Patrick Arciniega 949-644-3347  City of Newport Beach Department Public Works ,100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California

Hard Copy Plans and Specs available from SABP Print Solutions  2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA

Ask for Kristen  949 756-1001