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Irvine Ranch Water District Releases a $1,263,000 Aquifir Repair & Rehab Project

Deep Aquifer Treatment System (DATS) Miscellaneous Repair and Rehabilitation

Project Number: PR 11483

Bid Due Date: February 4, 2021 2:00 PM (Pacific)

Scope of Work: The prospective bidder will provide all labor, equipment, and materials to complete the repair and rehabilitation of the Deep Aquifer Treatment System (DATS). The work includes mechanical, structural, electrical, instrumentation, but is not limited to mobilization, demolition of CIP tank, foundation, equipment, appurtenance, installation of new CIP system, structural and valve modifications to CIP and NF trains, NF vessel supports, NF membrane replacement parts, concrete repair, sealant, degasifier coating, testing, startup, and demobilization.

Project Manager: Carl Spangenberg – 949-453-5567

Estimated Bid Value: $1,263,000.00

Project Duration: 241 calendar days from the date of the Notice of Award

Pre-Bid Meeting NO

The Contractor to whom this project is awarded must possess CADIR – Registered DIR Public Works Contractor AND must be in one of the following groups: 11483 – DATS Misc. Repair and Rehabilitation.

Bids will only be accepted from the following pre-approved bidders:

1. ARB, Inc.
2. Cushman Contracting Corporation
3. Environmental Construction, Inc.
4. Gateway Pacific Contractors, Inc.
5. GSE Construction Company, Inc.
6. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc.
7. Olsson Construction
8. Pacific Hydrotech
9. Pascal & Ludwig Constructors
10. PCL Construction, Inc.
11. R C Foster Corporation
12. Schuler Constructors, Inc.
13. Shimmick Construction Company, Inc.
14. SS Mechanical Construction Corp.
15. Stanek Constructors, Inc.
16. Steve P. Rados, Inc.
17. Walsh Construction Company

 Plans/Specs Available from: SABP Print Solutions  2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 756-1001

Contact Kristen at

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