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IRWD Releases a $1,791,000 Multiple Wells Rehab Project

By October 15, 2020New Project Bids, RFP

Project Title: Rehabilitation of Dyer Road Wellfield Well Nos. 1, 11 & 13

Bid Due Date: November 10, 2020 2:00 PM (Pacific)

Scope of Work: The project will include all labor, equipment, chemicals, and materials to complete the rehabilitation of Dyer Road Well Field Well Nos. 1, 11, and 13. The work includes mechanical, chemical, pumping development, step-draw down and constant rate tests.

Project Manager: Carl Spangenberg – 949-453-5567

Estimated Bid Value:  $1,791,300.00

Time of Performance: 180 consecutive calendar days from date of mailing the Notice of Award

Pre-Bid Meeting:  Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting Date:October 22, 2020 10:00 AM (Pacific). Location: IRWD Operations Center, 3512 Michelson Drive, Irvine CA

Bidders: Bids will be accepted for this Project only from the pre-qualified bidders on the Project Bidders List (see below)

1. Bakersfield Well & Pump Company (Zim Industries)

2. Best Drilling & Pump Company, Inc.

3. Layne, A Granite Company

4. South West Pump & Drilling, Inc.

5. Tri County Pump Company

6. Weber Water Resources CA, LLC

The Contractor to whom this project is awarded must possess a class C-57 contractor’s license.

Bids: The Contract Documents consist of the IRWD Construction Manual, the Project Manual, and the Plans, and may be downloaded free of charge at the PlanetBids website.

 Plans/Specs Available from: SABP Print Solutions  2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614

Contact Kristen at (949) 756-1001

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