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City of Newport Beach RFP Playground Improvements

City of  Newport Beach-2019-2020 Playground Improvement Project

Contract No. 7737-1

Bid Due:  March 11th, 2020 at 10:00 AM at which time such bids shall be opened and read at 100 Civic  Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Project Duration: 30 Consecutive Working Days after Notice to Proceed

Engineer’s Estimate: $270,000.00

Project Manager – Kathryn Cho 949-644-3014

Scope of Work The  work necessary for  the  completion of  this  contract consists of  removing and disposing of existing improvements; furnishing and installing flexible play surface systems; purchasing  and  installing  new  play  equipment  and  components;  placing P.C.C. base; and other incidental items to complete the work in place required by the Contract Documents.

Newport ShoresLocation of Improvements: 

  • Newport Shores
  • Mariners Park
  • Bob Henry Park




Contractor License Classification(s) required for this project: “A” with D-34 and D-12 for Synthetic Rubber Surfacing installer.

Plans and Specifications Available: SABP Print Solutions (949)756-1001  2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614   Contact Kristen at

The Bid Results are immediately available to the public via PlanetBids following the Bid Opening Date; March 11th, 2020. Members of the public who would like to attend the reading may go to the City Clerk’s Office (Located at 100 Civic Center Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660


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