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Irvine Ranch Water District- NIB for Paving at Michelson Water Recycling Plant

By September 18, 2019New Projects, RFP

Michelson Water Recycling Plant Paving at North Odor Scrubber & Diverter Chutes Project

Project No. 107890 & 07891

Bid Opening Date: October 09, 2019, 2:00 PM PST at the PlanetBids website.

Bidders: Bids will be accepted for this Project only from the pre-qualified bidders listed below.  Pre-qualification to be placed on the Project Bidders List for this Project is closed.

  1. AECOM Energy & Construction, Inc.
  2. ARB, Inc.
  3. Archer Western Contractors
  4. Cushman Contracting Corporation
  5. Environmental Construction, Inc.
  6. Gateway Pacific Contractors, Inc.
  7. GSE Construction Company, Inc.
  8. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc.
  9. Olsson Construction
  10. Pacific Hydrotech
  11. Pascal & Ludwig Constructors
  12. PCL Construction, Inc.
  13. R C Foster Corporation
  14. Schuler Constructors, Inc.
  15. Shimmick Construction Company, Inc.
  16. SS Mechanical Construction Corp.
  17. Stanek Constructors, Inc.
  18. Steve P. Rados, Inc.

Description of the Work: The Work to be done includes but not limited to: The work to be done by the Contractor under these Specifications  shall consist of performing all operations necessary for the paving adjacent to the odor scrubber and headworks diverter chutes at the Michelson Water Recycling Plant, including, but not limited to the construction  of concrete paving, retaining wall and driveway improvements, and furnishing and installing diverter chute structures and platforms in the headworks building. Work shall be conforming to the design shown on the plans and in accordance with these specifications.

The Contractor shall furnish all transportation, materials (except where stipulated otherwise), equipment, labor, and supplies to complete the improvements at the Michelson Water Recycling Plant, together with all appurtenant  work necessary or incidental to complete in a workmanlike manner the improvements  as contemplated and as intended by the plans and these specifications.

The major components of the work as shown on the plans and specified in these Special Provisions for this project includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Construct concrete paving.
  • Construct retaining wall.
  • Construct driveway.
  • Furnish and install diverter chute structure in the headworks building.
  • Furnish and install work platforms in the headworks building.

Pre-Bid Conference: A  mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit will be held at the hour of 10:00 AM on the 26th day of September, 2019, Michaelson Water Recycling Plant, 3512 Michelson Drive, Irvine, CA92612.

Plans/Specs Available from: The Contract Documents consist of the IRWD Construction Manual, the Project Manual, and the plans, and may be downloaded free of charge at the PlanetBids website.

Complete hard copy sets of the Project Manual and Plans may be purchased from SABP Print Solutions, 2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, California 92614, (949) 756-1001

Contact Kristen at

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