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Irvine Ranch Water District-NIB for The Bake Parkway Pipeline

By August 16, 2019Uncategorized

Bake Parkway Domestic Water Zone 5 To 4 Fire Flow PRV and Pipeline.

Project Number: Project Numbers 05404

Project Manager and Engineer: Tony Lynch 949-453-5410
Design Engineer: MBF Consulting Inc.

Engineer’s Estimate: $500,000 five hundred thousand dollars

Time of Performance: 250 consecutive calendar days from date of mailing the Notice of Award

Bidders: Bids will be accepted for this Project only from the prequalified bidders listed below.  Prequalification to be placed on the Project Bidders List for this Project is closed.

  1. CCL Contracting Inc
  2. E.J. Meyer Company
  3. Ferreira Construction Co., Inc.
  4. GCI Construction, Inc.
  5. GRFCO, Inc.
  6. Gwinco Construction & Engineering, Inc.
  7. Irvine Pipeline Company, Inc.
  8. Kennedy Pipeline Company
  9. L&S Construction, Inc.
  10. Leatherwood Const., Inc.
  11. Mladen Buntich Construction Co.
  12. Paulus Engineering, Inc.
  13. Steve P. Rados, Inc.
  14. Sukut Construction, Inc.
  15. Sully-Miller Contracting Co.
  16. TE Roberts, Inc.
  17. Vido Artukovich & Son, Inc.
  18. W.A. Rasic Construction

Bid Opening Date: September 26, 2019, 2:00 PM PST at the PlanetBids website.

Description of Project: The Bake Parkway Domestic Water Zone 5 to 4 Fire Flow PRV and Pipeline Project consists of open cut construction of an 8-inch domestic water pipeline for approximately 1,100 linear feet starting on the north side of Bake Parkway, crossing the median to connect to the proposed PRV to be located behind the sidewalk on the south side of Bake Parkway, continuing westerly where it connects to the existing Zone 4 pipeline at the intersection of North Pointe Drive and Bake Parkway. The work to be performed under these Contract Documents as shown in the Schedule of Work Items is described in Section 01840 Basis of Measurement and Payment.

Pre-Bid Conference: A  mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit will be held at the hour of 2:00 PM on the 5th day of September, 2019, at IRWD Headquarters, Multi-Purpose Room, 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine CA

Plans/Specs: The Contract Documents consist of the IRWD Construction Manual, the Project Manual, and the plans, and may be downloaded free of charge at the PlanetBids website.

Complete hard copy sets of the Project Manual and Plans may be purchased from SABP Print Solutions, 2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, California 92614, (949) 756-1001

Contact Kristen at

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