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City of Irvine- Park Playground Rehab RFP

San Carlo Park and Valencia Park Playground Rehabilitations 

CIP 371506 and 371507

Bid Opening: Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 10:00 a.m- at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bid prices for each line item of the Schedule of Work must be entered on the BidsOnline system in accordance with the instructions beginning on page 14. All other required documents for the bid proposal packet (pages 12, 16-30) must be received at One Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, California,

Location of The Work: The work to be performed hereunder is located in the City of Irvine, County of Orange, on 15 San Carlo and 3081 Trevino Drive.

Description of Work: The work to be performed shall include, but not be limited to:
Remove and dispose of existing playground sand; remove and dispose of existing playground equipment; remove concrete paving; modify and/or install new drainage systems; provide and install new playground equipment; provide renovations to existing equipment; provide reinforced concrete base for resilient rubber surfacing; provide and install new play surfacing (to include both resilient rubber and sand surfaces); provide and install/modify existing irrigation system; repair/replace existing turf areas. Contractor shall provide all necessary supervision, labor, equipment, and materials and supplies necessary to renovate the playground areas at San Carlo Park and Valencia Park, and other items not mentioned here, but are required by the plans and the Special Provisions. Contractor, sub-contractor, other persons, and/or organization involved in the portion of the project to install park playground equipment shall have a minimum five (5) years’ experience in said park playground equipment installation, as a certified installer. Certifications: Certification by manufacturer that Installer is an approved applicator of the playground surfacing system and certified playground installer. International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) certified.

The Engineer’s Construction Cost Estimate for these projects is $440,000
A) San Carlo Park – $210,000
B) Valencia Park – $230,000

Completion of Work and Liquidated Damages: All work shall be completed in a total of Fifty (50) Working Days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Liquidated damages shall be Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) per Calendar Day, for each and every Calendar Days delay in finishing the work in excess of the number of Working Days prescribed above.

License Requirement: Prime Contractor must possess a valid Class “A” or “B” with a “C61/D34” license prior to award of contract.

Plans and Specifications: A full set of bid documents consisting of Notice Inviting Bids, Proposal, Contract, Special Provisions and Contract Plans are available for inspection without charge at the Department of Public Works, Project Management Division, City of Irvine Operations Support Facility, 6427 Oak Canyon, Building 1, Irvine, California 92618-5202.

To obtain a copy of the bid documents, please visit the City of Irvine web site at Click on the “Supplier Registration and Bid Opportunities” link, and review the information about our online system. Next, click on the “BidsOnline” link. If you are not currently registered with the City of Irvine, please click on the “New Vendor Registration” button and then complete the electronic supplier registration to include your Contractors State License information.

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