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Costa Mesa Sanitary District -NIB

President Pump Station Sewer Force Main Replacement

Project No. 317

Bids Due: 10:00 a.m. on the 1st day of August 2017 (Tuesday),

Location:  Costa Mesa Sanitary District office at 290 Paularino Avenue, Costa Mesa, California, at which time they will be opened publicly and read aloud in the Board Conference Room.

Engineers Estimate: $791,700.00

Mandatory pre-bid meeting: 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the 14th day of July 2017 (Friday). The pre-bid meeting will be held at the District Engineer’s office at 234 East 17th Street, Suite 205 in Costa Mesa.

Plans and specifications may be obtained at

SABP Reprographics, 2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614, (949) 756-1001



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