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The City of Newport Beach is adding Pickleball Courts to the Bonita Canyon Sports Park

City of Newport Beach RFP- Bonita Canyon Sports Park Pickleball Courts

Contract No. 8130-2

Bid Due: April 6th 2017 at 10:00 AM  at which time such bids shall be opened and read at , 100 Civic  Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Engineer’s Estimate: $510,000

Contractor License Classification(s) required for this project: “A”

Scope of Work: The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of mobilizing; providing traffic control, erosion control, staking and survey monument restoration; verifying utility locations and coordinating with utility companies; clearing and grubbing; completing site demolition, earthwork, and site grading; constructing drainage improvements, post-tensioned concrete pickleball court over base material with vapor retarder, concrete walk, mow curb, v-ditch, seat and retaining walls (with subdrains) and court surfacing; furnishing and installing black vinyl chain link fence and gates, windscreen fabric, pickleball court posts, nets, trash receptacles, benches, landscaping and irrigation  improvements; preparing as-built drawings; and all other work required by the contract documents.

Project Manager: Peter Tauscher, at (949) 644-3316

Plans and Specifications may be purchased from  SABP Reprographics (949)756-1001 2372 Morse  Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614  Contact Kristen:

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