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Northwood Gratitude & Honor Memorial Enhancement RFP

By January 9, 2017New Project Bids, RFP

City of Irvine RFP-Northwood Gratitude & Honor Memorial Enhancements

CIP 371503   BID NO. 17-1210

Date Of Opening Bids: 10:00:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Civic Center building at the City of Irvine, located at One Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, California 92606-5207

Location of the Work: The work to be performed hereunder is located in the City of Irvine, County of Orange, at 4531 Bryan Avenue, Irvine, CA 92606.


Description Of Work: Temporary construction site fencing; site work, install/modify existing irrigation system; repair/replace existing turf areas; extension of additional concrete pavers, addition of one sentinel with approved etched granite panels, and the addition of two benches. Contractor shall provide all necessary supervision, labor, equipment, and materials and supplies necessary to provide enhancements to the Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial, and other items not mentioned here, but are required by the plans and the Special Provisions.

The Engineer’s Estimate: Above $97,000.

License Requirement: Prime Contractor must possess a valid Class B license.

Completion Of Work And Liquidated Damages: All work shall be completed in a total of Fifty (50) Working Days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed.

Project Administration: All questions relative to this project prior to opening bids shall be prepared in writing and transmitted to the attention of attention of Mr. Eric Gruber, Senior Project Manager, by facsimile to 949-724-7565 or by email to

Plans and Specifications: SABP Reprographics,

2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614, 949-756-1001

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