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I-405 Improvement Project- $1,7 billion with a 16% DBE Goal


Owner: Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)

RFP No.: 5-3843

DBE Goal: 16% of the Total Contract Price

Projected cost: $1.7 billion

Bid Proposal Due Date(s) August 31, 2016 & September 14, 2016


The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), in partnership with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), is improving I-405 between SR-73 and I-605 in the Cities of Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Westminster. Other cities in the immediate area include the City of Long Beach and the community of Rossmoor. This design-build project will add one general-purpose lane in each direction along this section of I-405.

The project set to begin construction in 2017, will improve commute times on the San Diego Freeway (I-405) from the SR-73 to the I-605, an area traveled by more than 370,000 vehicles a day, making it the busiest stretch of highway in the nation.


The design-build firms shortlisted because of their qualifications for the project are:

  • OC 405 Partners
  • Shimmick-Tutor Perini
  • Skanska-Flatiron

Once submitted by the firms, OCTA staff will evaluate the proposals to determine which one offers the best value to OCTA in terms of price and technical merit. The OCTA board is scheduled to approve the selection of the design-build team in November.

About Design Build

Design build (DB) is a project delivery model in which design and construction services are contracted to a single entity, the design builder. This model harkens back to a master builder approach and supplants the design-bid-build model, in which an owner contract with a designer to create the project and then a builder to construct it. Instead, the DB model offers greater adaptability and flexibility by allowing the owner and DB firm to collaborate on a design with an eye for constructability. In the case of the I-405 improvements, the DB model ultimately supports design innovation and cost savings by creating projects tailor-made for Southern California, built of local materials by  local experts, as part of a collaborative relationships with Caltrans.

The Measure M project, being constructed in cooperation with Caltrans, will be funded by a combination of local, state and federal funds, with the toll lane portion of the project financed and paid for by those who choose to pay a toll and use the 405 Express Lanes.

The 405 Express Lanes are intended to benefit all people who use the I-405. In 2040, it’s expected to take 29 minutes to travel during rush hour from SR-73 to I-605 in the general-purpose lanes. That commute can be reduced to 13 minutes if a driver chooses to take the Express Lanes. If the project only constructed the general-purpose lanes in each direction and not the Express Lanes, the commute in the general-purpose lanes or regular high-occupancy-vehicle lanes would take almost an hour to travel the same stretch.

Set for completion in 2022, improvements will reduce travel times by adding one regular lane in each direction, along with express toll lanes.

SABP Reprographics hopes to partner with the winning design build team to supply all the Reprographic and Printing needs!


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