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City of Lake Forest Sports Park RFP II

The City of Lake Forest RFP 

Project Title:  Lake Forest Sports Park Improvements Phase 2 Handrails and Steps

Lake Forest

Description of the work:  At the Lake Forest Sports Park install 352 lineal feet of steps, 337 lineal feet of guardrails, and 131 lineal feet of handrails.

Bid due date: Sealed bids due on 8/18/2016 2:00 pm, Office of City Clerk

Construction estimate: $130,000

Submittal Information:  Plans and Specification for Lake Forest Sports Park Improvements Phase 2 Handrails and Steps

Contact Person:  Angel Fuertes, Engineering Manager/Assistant City Engineer, (949) 461-3490, or

Pre-bid meeting:  non-mandatory pre-bid meeting scheduled for 2:00 pm on August 10, 2016 at the recreation building at the project site (28000 Rancho Parkway, Lake Forest, CA 92630

Plans and Specs available at SABP Reprographics  2372 Morse Ave. Irvine, CA 92614   949 756-1001

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