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Sea Lion Season- Boat Owners Role

Sea Lion Control in Newport Harbor

is the boat owners responsibility!

The City of Newport Beach has issued a notified to mooring permittees with boats in the Newport Harbor regarding the Sea Lion population.  NBMC 17.25.020 and NBMC 17.50.100

This friendly reminder notice informs the boat owners about their responsibilities to keep the harbor safe, quiet, and thriving in the upcoming sea lion season.

Sea lion season generally runs May to October.


  • Roughly 35-50 sea lions spent the summer months in Newport Harbor.
  • H & J mooring fields have the largest populations.
  • They haul out on any vessel regardless of freeboard. Unprotected swim steps and docks are easy haul out spots.
  • Sea lions become territorial and start barking, day and night. Night time barking is most problematic.
  • The sea lions have damaged and sunk vessels, docks, aids to navigation and in the past also the white sea bass grow out pens.


It is the permittee’s responsibility to proactively secure vessels, docks, and appurtenances from sea lion intrusion. Failure to take sea lion deterrent action within 7 days of notification may result in citation.


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