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City of Irvine Notice of Inviting Bid: Job Order Contract BID No. 16-1024

City of Irvine Releases New Notice of Inviting Bid:

Job Order Contract BID No. 16-1024.

This solicitation consists of up to five (5) separate Job Order Contracts. A bidder may be awarded at most one (1) Contract from this solicitation.

DATE OF OPENING BIDS: Tuesday, May 31, 2016, until 10:00:00 a.m  at which time all placed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.  All bids will be received at Purchasing Agent at the reception desk located on the first floor of the Civic Center building at the City of Irvine, located at One Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, California 92606-5208

LOCATION OF THE WORK:  The work to be performed hereunder is located anywhere within the City of Irvine and Orange County Great Park, County of Orange.

logoSCOPE OF WORK: Furnishing all labor services, materials, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, utilities and all other items and facilities necessary therefore, as provided in the contract documents. Projects include:

  • HVAC
  • Tenant Improvement
  • Roofing
  • Electrical
  • Painting
  • Specialty or Playground Equiptment
  • Hardscape/Landscape
  • Plumbing

As projects are identified the Contractor will jointly scope the work with the City. The City will prepare a Detailed Scope of Work and issue a Request for Proposal to the Contractor. The Contractor will then prepare a Job Order Proposal for the Project including a Job Order Price Proposal, drawings and sketches, a list of subcontractors and materialmen, construction schedule, and other requested documentation. The Job Order Price shall equal the value of the approved Job Order Price Proposal. The value of the Job Order Price Proposal shall be calculated by summing the total of the calculation for each Pre-priced Task (Unit Price x quantity x Adjustment Factor) plus the value of all Non Pre-priced Tasks.

MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING:   There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at the Operations Support Facility located at 6427 Oak Canyon, Building 1, Public Works Lunch Room, Irvine California 92618-5202, for the purpose of discussing the Job Order Contract concept from a contractor’s point of view.  Failure to attend this meeting shall give cause to have your bid declared non- responsive.

RFI REQUEST DEADLINE :                     Thursday, May 19, 2016

ESTIMATED  RFI RESPONSE:              Monday,  May 23, 2016

All questions relative to this project prior to opening bids shall be prepared in writing on Request for Information (RFI) forms provided in the bid documents and transmitted by email as follows:

  • Dale A. Schuck, Facilities Maintenance Superintendent, at
  • Brian Brown, Senior Buyer, at
  • Lora Rivera, Program Specialist, at


SABP Reprographics 949 756-1001  2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614

Contact Kristen at


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