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Veterans Park Landscape Improvements RFP

By September 30, 2015New Projects, RFP

City of Newport Beach Releases New Notice of Inviting Bids

Bid date: October 14th 2015  10:00 a.m.

Sealed bids may be received at the office of the City Clerk,

100 Civic  Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Contract No. 6242

Engineer’s Estimate:  $ 75,000.00

image1Scope of work:

Mobilization and Demobilization

Traffic Control



Construct Natural Colored Salt Finish P.C.C. Paving

Construct 6” Wide P.C.C. Mowstrip

Paint Masonry Wall

Remove Wall Light Fixture

Remove and Replace Existing Wall Outlet

Install New Concrete Picnic Tables, Trash Receptacle, Drinking Fountain and Bicycle Racks

Remove and Relocate Doggie Bag Dispenser

Install New ¾” Water Meter in Existing Meter Box and Automatic Irrigation System

Remove and Replace 30-Inch Deep Top Soil

Soil Preparation and Finish Grading, Weed Abatement

Install 3-Inch Layer of Mulch, Tree – 36” Box, Tree – 24” Box, Shrub – 5 Gallon, and Turf Sod

Provide Ninety (90) Day Landscape Maintenance Phase

Provide As-Built Plans (and DBE Certification if applicable)

Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents, Project Specifications and Drawings by contacting

SABP Reprographics  (949)756-1001

2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614

Contractor License Classification(s) required for this  project: “A”

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