Bids will be received by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District office at 628 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa, California until the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the 20th day of April 2015, at which time they will be opened publicly and read aloud in the Board Conference Room
There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference held on April 6th at 10AM, the meeting will begin at the
Costa Mesa Sanitary District office, 234 E. 17th St. Suite 205, Costa Mesa, CA 92627.
Scope of workinvolves the rehabilitation of existing concrete and brick sewer manholes and/or wet wells at various locations using a High Build Polyurethane Mortar.
Work may consist of day and/or night work both on the roadway and in utility easements up to 200’ from vehicular access. The contractor shall coordinate his work so as not to interfere with City maintenance crews or disrupt normal sewer service. Manhole rehabilitation shall include the following phases: Traffic control, Preparation of substrate, Removal of existing manhole stairs as directed by the Engineer, and Application of 3/8” thick polyurethane mortar.
A set of the approved contract documents including plans and specifications may be obtained at: