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City of Newport Beach-New RFP

By January 20, 2015New Projects, RFP

City of Newport Beach- New RFP

Back Bay Drive Roadway Maintenance Project

Project Number: 6005

Bid Opening Date: 1/28/2015 10:00:00 AM

Engineers Estimate: $217,000.00

Contractor’s License classification “A” or “C-12” required for this project.


Scope of Work:

(1) Clearing existing pavement surfaces of debris, soils, and other loose materials, 

(2) Removing existing traffic striping, pavement markings, and raised pavement markers,

(3) Crack sealing, 

(4) Placing emulsion aggregate slurry seal, 

(5) Placing seal coat, 

(6) Installing new traffic striping, pavement markings, and raised pavement markers, 

(7) Removing existing signs, posts and hardware,

(8) Installing new signs, posts and hardware and other incidental items of work necessary to complete       the work in place. 

Bid Documents, Project Specifications and Drawings Available at:

SABP Reprographics 

(949) 756-1001

2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614

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