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Marina Park in Newport Beach Update

Marina Park Update

The Marina Park project encompasses a 10.5-acre site and involves new construction of a public park; a 24,000-square-foot Community and Sailing Center building; a 23-slip marina; a reconstructed 19th Street restroom building; a freestanding playground lighthouse feature; themed playground; outdoor fitness circuit; parking lots; and frontage street improvements.

The park will also be home to the new 6,100-square-foot Girl Scouts Leadership Center, which is being funded entirely by the Girl Scouts of Orange County.

The project is making great progress and remains on schedule and under budget. Along with the undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities and foundation work currently taking place, the main building structural steel framing has begun! 

Given the proximity to the ocean, a high performance specialty coating is being applied to all exposed structural steel which will prevent corrosion. 

Work on the seawall and restroom facility along Bay Avenue (between 18th and 19th Streets) continues and is expected to last approximately 2 months. During this time, beach users can access the Bay beach off of 19th Street. The 18th Street access and on street parking will be restored once the seawall construction is complete. The new restroom facility is expected to reopen before the Memorial Day 2015 holiday. Temporary facilities will be provided within the vicinity in the interim. 



Marina Park Project: Package 1 – Demolition and Tree Relocation was awarded to Unlimited Environmental, Inc. on 10/22/2013.  On 03/25/2014, Council accepted the completed work and authorized the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion for Package 1.


Marina Park Project: Package 2 – Marina Basin Construction including Dredging, Bulkheads, Grading and Soil Remediation was awarded to Dutra Construction Company on 12/10/2013.  Construction for Package 2 is now complete.


Marina Park Project: Package 3 – Building & Site Development  was awarded to KPRS Construction Services, Inc on 05/13/2014. The majority of the utility and foundation work for the Community Center and Sailing Center has been completed.  The 19th Street restroom is being constructed concurrently, with a completion date of May 2015.  Focus has been placed on site demolition, shop drawings, and utility construction.  Sidewalk and road closures along 18th Street, 15th Street, West Balboa Blvd., and West Bay Avenue should be expected after the Labor Day weekend.  Please subscribe to the Marina Park Interested Parties list by clicking here for the latest closure information.


Marina Park Project: Package 4 – Docks  The package 4 plans are currently being finalized.  The City is anticipating to advertise for construction bids in Fall 2014.

For more information, please contact the Marina Park hotline at (949) 644-3366.

Marina Park Anticipated Finish: Spring 2016


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