Costa Mesa Sanitary District –New RFP- Sewer Manhole Surface Repair

- Adjustment of manhole frames and covers
- Where required, the existing manhole frames and covers shall be removed and salvaged and a new manhole frame and cover installed and adjusted by the Contractor in accordance with industry standard practices and as directed by the District.
- When the existing manhole frame and cover is reused (when determined by District), frames and covers shall be installed and adjusted by the Contractor in accordance with industry standard practices and as directed by the District.
- Removing and replacement of pavement shall conform to the City of Costa Mesa and Costa Mesa Sanitary District specifications.
- New manhole frames and covers shall be provided by the District, unless noted otherwise. The contractor shall provide the District sufficient notice to allow for the acquisition of manhole frames and covers if necessary.
- All existing undamaged manhole frames and covers removed from the manholes shall be considered as salvaged frames and covers. These salvaged frames and covers shall remain the property of the District at all times after removal and delivered to the District’s yard.
- Reasonable care shall be exercised to prevent unnecessary damage to the salvaged frames and covers.
- The Contractor shall, upon removal of frame and cover, remove all grout from the salvaged frame and cover.
- Manholes below grade shall be raised to grade using manhole riser sections as directed by the District.