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City of Irvine RFP: Trabuco/Monroe Intersection Improvement RE-BID

Blog2City of Irvine RFP:

Trabuco/Monroe Intersection Improvement RE-BID

The City of Irvine has released an invitation to bid for the Trabuco/Monroe Intersection Improvement-BID NO. 14-1054.  This project is a Re-bid of  BID No. 14-1023 Bids will be received at the City of Irvine  until 10:00:00 am on Thurs, May 15th, 2014, The Engineer’s construction cost estimate for the project is above $1,280,000.00 The DBE contract goal is five percent (5%). This project will be financed in part by federal funds. The Federal Aid project number is HSIPL-5410(0810.  All bidders shall meet all required federal requirements, included in the Special Provisions.
  1. The work to be performed shall include, but not be limited to:
  2. Cold Milling
  3. Removal and Replacement of AC Pavement,
  4. AC Pavement Surface Course Overlay
  5. Removal and Reconstruction of Curb Ramps
  6. Construction of Roadway Structural Section
  7. Concrete Curb
  8. Gutter and Sidewalk
  9. Median Islands
  10. Metal Beam Guard Rail
  11. Retaining Wall
  12. Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) Culvert
  13. Riprap and Associated Drainage Structures
  14. Removal and Construction of Transition Structures
  15. Installing Traffic Signal
  16. Traffic Striping and Signage
  17. Traffic Control Devices
  18. And other items not mentioned here, but are required by the Plans and the Special Provisions.
Prospective bidders may obtain Bid Documents, Project Specifications and Drawings  by contacting SABP Reprographics at (949)756-1001, located at 2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614]]>

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