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The Best choice for Mid-Size Volume CAD Plotting!

Ink jet plotters are fine for small-use environments—usually about 3,000 square feet per month, but when it comes to higher volume demands, it is a whole new story. If you are looking for a higher volume system you might consider something like a toner-based LED plotter. It is important to know that not all toner plotters are the same. If you need to support a monthly monochrome print volume in excess of 10,000 square feet per month, the Océ PlotWave 750 from Canon Solutions America. It is the best CAD plotter in its class for mid-volume printing. PW The Océ PlotWave 750, has just replaced the legendary Océ TDS750. At 9 D-size sheets per minute, the PlotWave 750 comfortably meets the needs of CAD professionals with new workflows and compliance with today’s stringent IT standards. Advanced Network and Security – The new networking capabilities are supported by stringent security measures. The PlotWave 750 has been updated with the Windows® Embedded Standard 7 controller that guarantees you adhere to the latest IT standards. You also have the most up-to-date security features available, such as antivirus support, HTTPS, or even IPsec. Complete Customization – The Océ PlotWave 750 utilizes a modular approach so that you can configure the machine to fit production for your specific business needs. The following video includes a demo video of the Océ PlotWave 750 Black & White Large Format Printer: Productivity with Océ Radiant Fusing  Océ systems fuse toner differently than any competing model. The Océ radiant fuser doesn’t contain any heat or pressure rollers. Instead, the fuser assembly consists of heating elements that only activate exactly when needed. The result is a reliable system with no warm-up time, less moving parts, and increased energy efficiency. When in idle mode, it is cold and uses almost no energy. Closed Toner System The toner system is completely  closed and easy to reach.Toner stays inside the printer and off hands and clothes. This keepPWs the system running smoothly and cleanly since waste toner is captured and removed. Bottles are designed for easy handling and storage. Fast and Productive – Meet short deadlines efficiently with  9 D-size sheets per minute capacity even with mixed sizes. With 6 media rolls, the Océ Double Decker Pro stacker and built-in cutters, you can print and stack up to 3,444 sheets.     The advanced Océ Radiant Fusion Technology allows the machine to consistently be “print-ready” by eliminating any warm-up time. It’s possible to get over 27 prints out of the the PlotWave 750 before some competing machines have even started printing. Cost-effective  Earn back your investment quickly with this cost-effective system. Choose the combination of document handling features that best fits your budget and the size and scope of your document needs. Based on proven technology used in systems worldwide. Built to last with durable, hard-wearing parts, you get dependable uptime with fewer jams, shorter downtime and fewer service calls Easy to Use – The Océ PlotWave has been carefully designed to be ergonomically correct and highly intuitive. Everything from the media roll placement to toner loading, to print job management has been carefully thought out and designed to get results the first time without troubleshooting.Thanks to low noise, ozone and heat emissions, this system can be comfortably placed in a departmental environment. Contact us with your questions and pricing. SABP Reprographics  949 756-1001]]>

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