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City of Newport Beach Marina Park Project Begins

By September 4, 2013Interesting OC News, RFP

The long anticipated Marina Park Project is finally underway.

The Park Design will dramatically improve both physical and visual access to the Bay. This “Window on the Bay” will open up over 1100 linear feet of waterfront area to view, providing an extended view to the bay from the main thoroughfare, Balboa Boulevard. The site plan includes:

  • Enhanced recreational access to the bay with facilities for sailing instruction including docks and slips,
  • New and improved rest rooms for beach visitors
  • Improvements to the existing portage vessel launch area located at where 18th Street intersects the beach.
  • A new visiting vessel marina providing full service slips for travelling boaters.
  • The Park will feature an extensive children’s play area geared to children of all ages, as well as an area for water play using recirculating treated water with interactive sprays, jets and other features.
  • The park includes two tennis courts, as well as a pair of basketball half courts.
  • The marina occupies the end of the beach nearest the American Legion, but additional beach area has been provided in the center of the park.
  • The design also provides a location for the construction of a new Girl Scout House to replace the existing one located along the Balboa Boulevard frontage.
  • Parking for 154 cars will be provided on site.


Site plan

The beginning phase is out to bid for the demolition of all existing buildings and the maintenance of the removed trees after demolition.

Project Description:    Marina Park Project – Demolition and Tree Relocation

Project Number:         3897-A    Engineer’s Estimate: $405,000.00

Description of work:

The work necessary for the completion of this contract includes, but not limited to, all material, equipment, supplies and labor for demolition of all existing buildings, including the removal of foundations, footings, and underground and overhead utility services; clearing and grubbing; removing pavement; relocating and removing trees; installing an irrigation system, and all other items to complete work in place.

2nd photo at end of bid inforThe City requires continued maintenance of the removed trees after the demolition phase of the project, as part of tree maintenance phase of the project.  This phase of work shall be conducted under a separate maintenance contract in substantively, the same form as the attached and to be signed upon the award of the main Demolition Contract, subject the approval of the contractor by the City.

The anticipated term of the maintenance agreement shall be for one (1) year from removal of the trees. An increase or reduction of the maintenance time may be required.

  • Pre Bid Meeting:  September 12, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.
  • Bid Due Date:  September 26, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.

The Bid package is available to purchase at SABP Reprographics: $79.00- Will call or $89.00 shipped with your Fed Ex Account


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