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SABP is Giving Back

Thanks to the support of our valued customers, we are very proud to announce that we have donated  a percentage of our sales since our last newsletter to CASA-Court Appointed Special Advocates.

CASA Check

CASA is a volunteer organization dedicated to helping the most severe of the 2,500 physically abused infants and abandoned teen cases in the foster care system by providing court-appointed advocates to support these children. With your help we were able to present CASA with a check for $525.00. So please mention CASA when you place an order and we will donate a portion of your order to support this very important organization.

CASA volunteers provide the hope, inspiration and guidance that these children need to successfully overcome an abusive past and achieve a positive future.

CASA’s commitment to one-on-one attention for each child means the courts can make better decisions for children.  In the Juvenile Dependency Court, where a judge is responsible for 600-800 children, a CASA’s sustained, personal attention results in critical information for the court to help give a child a positive future.

You can support CASA too by clicking on this link:

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