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Construction soon to begin on the Biosolids project at the Michelson Water Recycling Plant (MWRP)

The Irvine Ranch Water District is modifying the existing Michelson Water Recycling Plant Expansion Project to include a

Biosolids Handling Component that would integrate a new state-of-the-art and proven system that will efficiently use locally generated renewable resources by allowing for beneficial use of biosolids and biogases produced during the wastewater reclamation process. This Project  supports green and sustainable business practices and is projected to save IRWD customers approximately $218 million to $228 million over the next 20 years.

The green project will be constructed onsite at the existing MWRP, which occupies approximately 69 acres owned by the IRWD and is located at 3512 Michelson Drive, Irvine, CA 92612. The site is part of a larger property owned by IRWD, which is approximately 452 acres and includes the Irvine Ranch Water District San Joaquin Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary.

Biosolids pellets


The $166,513,308 contract to build this project was awarded in a joint venture to J. R. Filanc Construction Company and Balfour Beatty by the IRWD Board of Directors on April 25, 2013.

Construction expected to be completed in 2016.

For more Information, click HERE.

Biosolids pellets like these are used as fertilizer and will be a marketable by-product of the IRWD Biosolids and Energy Recovery Project.



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