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Gity of Garden Grove- Street Rehab RFP-Project No, 7254

City of Garden Grove RFP-Magnolia Street Rehabilitation
from 22 Freeway Off Ramp to Garden Grove Boulevard

City Project No. 7254

Bids Due: March 28, 2017, 11:00 AM at which time they will be publicly opened in the 1-South
Conference Room in City Hall (1st floor). 11222 Acacia Parkway, Garden Grove, California

Scope of Work: This project is approximately a three quarter-mile segment of roadway rehabilitation that includes work within Caltrans right-of-way which will impact motorist access getting off and on the 22 freeway ramps. As a result, night work will be required within Caltrans right-of-way. In addition, the segment of Magnolia St from Trask Ave to Garden Grove Blvd., will be re-profiled. Grades in some areas will be modified considerably. The project generally consists of:

• Roadway rehabilitation by full depth reclamation and cement treatment;
• Cold Milling;
• Roadway Excavation;
• Asphalt paving;
• Replacement of PCC sidewalk, curb, curb & gutter, pattern stamped concrete,drive approach,cross gutter,alley apron,bus pad,and handicap ramps;
• Storm drain improvements;
• Water main improvements;
• Installation of irrigation and landscaping (including 3-year maintenance period);
• Adjustment of utility covers to finish grade;
• Installation of traffic signal loop detectors (including Redflex);
• Installation of traffic striping, raised pavement markers, and signage;
• Reestablishment of centerline ties and monuments;
• Other items not mentioned above that are required by the plans and specifications.

The Contractor is advised that this project will require night work for Magnolia Street per the Caltrans
Encroachment permit found in Appendix C.

The bid period for this project is 3 weeks and the project shall be completed within eighty (80) working days.

Questions: Regarding this project should be directed to Nick Hsieh at (714) 741-5190.

Plans and Specs: Available at SABP Reprographics 

2372 Morse Avenue, Irvine,CA  (949) 756-1001