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Back Bay Landing – Newport Beach – Planned Community Development Plan Part I

BPThursThe Back Bay Landing site is approximately a 7-acre portion of a 31.4-acre parcel is envisioned to be developed as an integrated, mixed-use waterfront , which includes general or neighborhood commercial, offices, multi-family residential, visitor-serving and marine- related uses, and buildings that vertically integrate residential with commercial  uses,  adjacent  to  Coast  Highway,  and  on  or  near  the waterfront locations. The site is located adjacent to the Upper Newport Bay in the City of Newport Beach, north of East Coast Highway and northwest of Bayside Drive in the western portion of the City and is bounded by the Upper Newport Back Bay to the north and west, the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort and the Bayside Village Mobile Home Park to the east, East Coast Highway and various marina commercial and restaurant uses south of the Highway to the southeast. The Back Bay Landing Planned Community is comprised of five distinct Planning Areas:

  • Mixed-Use Area
  • Recreational and Marine Commercial
  • Existing Private Marina Access and Beach ,
  • Marina and Bayside Village Mobile Home Park Storage and Guest Parking
  • Submerged Fee-Owned Lands
The goals of the mixed use plan are to:
  • Maintain and expand core coastal dependent and coastal-related land uses, including the development of marina parking and an enclosed dry stack boat storage and launching facility.
  • Provide new housing opportunities in response to demand for housing, reduce vehicle trips and encourage active lifestyles by increasing the opportunity for  residents to  live  in  proximity to  jobs,  services, entertainment, and recreation.
  • Protect and enhance significant visual resources from  identified public vantage points, such as Coast Highway, Castaways Park, and Coast Highway-Bay Bridge, to the bay and the cliffs of upper Newport Beach through view corridors designed into the project.   New public view opportunities will be created on-site.
  • Expand bayfront access to and along the bay where it does not exist at the present time, in a manner that protects environmental study areas and/or environmentally sensitive habitat areas and does not adversely impact existing private residences adjacent to the site. Vegetated landscaped areas shall only consist of native plants or non-native drought tolerant plants, which are non-invasive
  • Provide public coastal access with a new 12-foot-wide bayfront access promenade along the bayfront. This new, public bayfront promenade will link the public docks and marina property south of the Coast Highway-Bay Bridge along the bayfront, to the existing Newport Dunes pedestrian/bicycle trail off of Bayside Drive, and ultimately to the Newport Dunes recreational areas, as well as to an existing Public Bayfront Promenade and Trail.