Rattlesnake Reservoir New IRWD Project IRWD has just issued new RFP for Rattlesnake Reservoir Chlorine Gas System Removal PR 30435 (4959) Engineer’s Estimate: One million eight hundred thousand dollars ($1,800,000)…
Name of Project: EOCWD Interconnection Rehabilitation Project Number: PR 11799 (5401) Engineer’s Estimate: ($125,000) Bids will be accepted for this Project only from the prequalified bidders listed below: CCL Contracting,…
IRWD releases new Project for pre-qualified bidders. PR11788 (5226) Riparian View Vehicle Access Gates Bid Opening Date: Wednesday,October 1, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. at Irvine Ranch Water District 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine,…
The Aerie Project Construction of the new luxury condominium complex, called the Aerie Project, located on the corner of Ocean Boulevard and Carnation Avenue in Corona del Mar is set to…
HARBOR BOULEVARD FOUR PHASE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT City of Garden Grove releases a new RFP Project 12.9% DBE, MBE and WBE goals. Project No. 7246 PHASE 1-A- (Landscape…
One of SABP’s loyal client’s, Craig Realty Group, is a Newport Beach based full-service real estate development and management company founded by Steven L. Craig. Craig Realty Group owns, operates…
The popular chain, Taco Bell, opened it’s new upscale Mexican restaurant in downtown Huntington Beach a couple of weeks ago. The restaurant is called US Taco Company and offers a simple…
This year, the California State Parks are observing the birth of our State Park System and the beginning of the park movement. On June 30, 1864, President Abraham Lincoln signed…
Description of Project: The San Joaquin Marsh Campus Paving Project will install AC pavement and drainage improvements in the main parking lot and on the entrance driveway to the adjacent…
In the past weeks at the Irvine Outdoor Education Center there was a camp hosted for adults with developmental disabilities called ReCreation Camp. One of SABP’s employee’s, Rachel, who also…